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Clubs and Societies Committee

The Clubs and Societies Committee is deputised to administer the C&S Program under ratification of the USU Board. The C&S Committe works alongside the Clubs and Societies office to administer the C&S program and write the C&S Handbooks, Funding model and Regulations.

The C&S Committee will review and approves the following C&S forms/applications:
- New Clubs or Societies Applications
- Capital Expenditure Requests
- Constitutional Amendments.

The Committee aims to provide fair and equitable funding, and to ensure that the Clubs and Societies in the C&S Program maintain the standards set out in the C&S Regulations.

The C&S Committee is chaired by a USU Board Director elected by the Board, with another Board Director elected as Deputy Chair. There are up to eight ordinary members who are appointed by the Board in the year prior, with two New Committee members being appointed during April of each year.  



The Regulations of the Clubs and Societies Committee are stipulated in 5.3 of the USU Regulations and Directors' Duty Statements, found here.
The C&S Committee is also bound by the C&S Regulations, which can be collected in person from the C&S Office.


Until March 2010, all meetings of the Clubs and Societies Committee were conducted in camera and the minutes are not available to the public. The minutes of the meetings held March 2010 onwards are available below:

Useful Contacts

     Honorary Secretary

Committee Secretary

Clubs and Societies Office


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